Saturday, December 6, 2014

Giant Robot Post Its Art Show

YYYYAAAAYYYYY!!!! Post it show!!! @Giant Robot GR2! 
I will Have 4 post its for sale! I am very honored to be in a show that includes some of my all time favorite artists such as James Jean!!!! AHHHH!!! I am sad I won't make it down tonight for the opening! Tonight Dec 6 @ 4PM!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

It's been over 6 MONTHS!

I apologize for the huge gap! Social media has been hard to keep up on since I have not been spending much time on the interwebs via my computer! I just got a new phone for the time being and it allows me to keep up more with the NOW X)! So I guess I will be keeping up with it from now on :).

Life has definitely been good although no longer working a desk job does keep me somewhat out of the loop. Strange that a computer would actually keep you in the loop rather than living real life and socializing :p! Oh well, life has been crazy busy but I am keeping somewhat of a handle on it.

Throughout the past 6 months I have joined quite a few markets and a good amount of galleries! My favorite to show at is LTD art Gallery! I will be doing a post dedicated to just them next. I have also branched out to LA. I was lucky enough to have a piece in UglyCon at Giant Robot Gallery. That was a huge highlight for me! My work was also shown in two shows at Supahcute. Which is smaller but is actually my favorite LA gallery for the time being. There are many more galleries I am venturing out to but it will take hard work and time. I will definitely be keeping you posted!

As for what is next, I am currently concentrating on a solo show in August and BlytheCon! This year it is in Seattle so please come join us!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


I will do a recap on all of the good things that have been going on the past 6 months here are a few images for the cards I had in the Ghost Gallery Show , Don't Forget to Write.

If you want to purchase them they are one the Ghost Gallery website! I made links below too! they were for Urbanlights studio's National Lampoon's Christmas show but I was not able to turn them in bc of unfortunate situations during that time. BUT!! they made it into Ghost Gallery and that is a PLUS!! X)!! I love GHOST GALLERY!! All silver and white details are added by hand for prints.


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Astro Surfer Concepts

Getting the ball rolling on Astro Surfer, can't wait to get some environments going. This Shark guy is the HOST WITH THE MOST! :D! but I really wanted to keep him in the realm of the other fish headed creatures. I think he came out rather well :)!