Monday, March 4, 2013


I dunno if you know....but I know..... I GOT A NEW TUMBLR! It's a bit new to me but I'm learning! I'm such a NUBE! It doesn't have everything but it is just something to try and post some of the art I am constantly doing :P Please check it out and don't be shy to follow!! Check it out!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Emerald City Comicon

If you were lucky, you got one of these at Comicon :)! handing more awesome stickers this Sakuracon! Hope to bump into you and give you one, see ya guys there!

Sailor Moon! 

Gonna have all Sailor Scouts and much more for Sakuracan Colored and all!! 
 This particular sticker was just a test run to see if people liked my rendition on the scouts, 
and THEY DID !:)! 


Love this one. It's the last picture I drew while my mom wasn't sick :( I hope she get's better soon!